Monday, February 17, 2014

Fort Casey

Fort Casey, now a state park is one of four forts originally built in the 1890's to guard Admiralty Inlet, a part of Puget Sound.  The other three forts are Fort Ebey, also on Whidbey Island, and two across the inlet, Fort Flagler on Marrowstone Island, and Fort Worden near Port Townsend.  None of the forts were involved in an active defense of the inlet and were manned only at the beginning of the twentieth century and again during World War II.  The state park which includes the fort also includes the Admiralty Head Lighthouse, now a museum.

These photos were taken on a January 6th excursion to Fort Casey with our daughter, son-in-law and three grandchildren who had not seen the fort before.  The fort is maintained to some degree as a state park and is a wonderful place for photos and for children to explore.  We spent several hours there, though the weather was not very nice, but cloudy and cold, nor were there many people around which was very nice for taking photos.

The Fort


 Port Townsend and the Olympics

.  We had hoped to see the museum at the lighthouse and climb the lighthouse tower but it was not open.

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